Supplemental Training Materials
We now have a series of live emotional healing ministry sessions, as well as
recordings of some of our seminar lectures, available on DVD and VHS video.
Please click here to visit our Store Page.
Click here for the documents relating to this seminar,
which was offered in Sydney Australia (Nov 2007),
Modesto California, USA (April 2008), and Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA (Sept 2008),
and in an enriched format at the THRIVE IV Conference in Springfield Illinois USA (June 2008
The video editing for the seminar, "Psychological Trauma, Implicit Memory, & The Verbal Logical Explainer (VLE)" is now complete, and the 4-disk set is being manufactured, and can now be ordered through CARE Packaging! It will be posted on the Store Page soon, along with our other conference teachings
Other Training
Some time ago, we phased out the majority of our private
practice psychiatry and psychotherapy work to make time for writing and
training others in healing ministry, especially sharing what we have learned
as we have integrated Dr. Jim Wilder's THRIVE principles, and Dr. Ed Smith's Theophostic® principles and techniques into
our work (though note that we do not claim to represent Ed Smith
or Theophostic® Ministries). Because the demand for resources and
training of this kind is so great, our schedule has quickly become full
with groups, consultations and church events, and posting items to this
website. We therefore are now limiting any new training groups by the
following criteria: 1) a clear "yes" from the Lord to run the particular
group or event in question, 2) a time slot that works for us and the group
members becoming available, 3) group members who have some other viable
plan for any ongoing care that is needed, since we do not have any space
to take on new individual clients in our private practice, and 4) group
members that need this equipping for their regular work, not only for
their personal and family healing. This last criterion means that we are
focusing our training efforts first on ministers (church and para-church)
and mental health professionals. It is a somewhat different situation
when pastors sense the Lord's leading to train their church members in
emotional healing ministry; even though most being trained in those situations
are not full time ministers, the endorsement of the pastor and church
as a whole makes up the strategic difference. Also, the pastor fills a
role of spiritual covering for the group, so that we are not put in that
position. We are therefore open to training groups of church-sponsored/commissioned
lay people when the pastor participates and plans to continue overseeing
the group. If you are interested in any of these options, please contact
us via email, describing what you are looking for:
®Theophostic Ministry is a trademark of Dr. Ed Smith and Alathia Ministries, Inc.,
of Campbellsville, Kentucky.
Consultation/Questions via Email
Since we are sensing the Lord calling us to devote more time to training
and writing to share what we are learning and developing, we are no longer
able to offer individual consultations via email. Please feel free to
continue to send questions we often find that the specific questions
people ask lead us to clarify our thoughts and generate essays that many
find useful. So, while you probably won't get a quick individual response,
your question may be answered in a future eNewsletter, and then be posted
to this website. We will NOT include your name with your question if we
use it, and there would be no charge if your question is answered in this
way. Send your questions to